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Assignment Spotlight: A New Installation in The Online Educator Blog

Mar 03, 2020

I had so much fun during my self-proclaimed "Engaging Assignments" Month that I have decided to make it a regular installment in The Online Educator blog. The first Tuesday of each month will be dedicated to sharing one engaging assignment for the Online Classroom. 

This month's assignment goes off of the heels of the assignment that was highlighted last week which was the Health Policy Newsfeed assignment. This assignment focuses on a day in history rather than the present day. 


Students are asked to find events that occurred “on this day” in previous years. Each student can be given a particular year to avoid overlaps. The assignment ends with a short blog post or GoogleSlides presentation to give them even more technology learning time.

Students can use the following resources:

Fact Monster
History.Com: This Day in History

This assignment was taken from Whooo's Reading: The Blog. I have never used it before but it seems very interesting and can be used in various capacities. I can ask students to focus on something health related or community related etc.

 I'd love to see some of your own ideas for sparking joy and creativity through engaging discussion board assignments. Be sure to share your ideas in The Online Educator Facebook Group by clicking the link HERE. Also, as a treat don’t forget to GRAB YOUR FREE GUIDE to the 3 Secrets to Teaching Online Successfully.

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