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Course Prep Ideas - Reflection

Jan 21, 2020

As I finish up my course prep for the Spring semester, I figured now is as good a time as any to do some reflection. 

I made a plan for my course prep back in November 2019. I can’t say that I stuck to it very well, but I did do most of the things I wanted to do. 

Things That Worked:

I sent an intro letter 4 weeks in advance letting students know who I am, the text we would be using and when the first day of class would be. Two weeks later I sent out a more detailed email letting students know the course expectations and additional information about course assignments. I also opened up the class on Blackboard at that time so students could see and download the course Syllabus and access the Welcome - Start Here Module.

Things That Didn’t Work:

I was not able to have every week’s lessons planned as I wanted. I wanted to have a VoiceThread lecture for all the required Chapters but fell way behind on doing those readings and recordings. So I am still working on finishing most of them up. This was difficult because I was making all the slides from scratch after reading each chapter of the text so I knew it would be time consuming.

Lessons Learned:

Although I made a plan for myself for my course prep, the end of the semester turned out to be crazy (as usual) so I was already backed up when break began. One lesson I learned from this is to not try to make lofty goals while school is still in session, or to give myself longer to accomplish them. Also, it was a little over ambitious to try to make all my slides from scratch. I had some slides from a colleague that I could have used but figured since I had to read the chapters anyway, why not just make my own slides. Outside of that, my course prep went pretty well. Next time I teach this course I won’t have to do so much prep in relation to developing slides, so hopefully it will go much smoother.
Check out The Online Educator Facebook Group and share how your course prep went!
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