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Ed Tech Tuesday: Canva

Feb 23, 2021

I'm super excited to talk about the tool Canva! It's my favorite tool to use to create awesome graphics and presentations for my online courses. If you've never heard of Canva, you'll want to check out today's blog post because I'll be chatting about what it is and how you can use it in your online course to enhance your content and make your course more inviting.

For those who are unfamiliar with Canva, it is a graphic design tool that allows you to develop professionally looking graphics from thousands of templates included on the platform. While there is a paid option, the free option contains more than enough resources for educators. Some of the  things I use Canva for the most are creating fun banners for my Modules and content in my Learning Management System and developing slides for my lectures and videos.

  • Canva for LMS Banners

I LOVE to create fun banners in my online courses. Some that I use are banners for each Module to help important points stand out. Here are a few examples of banners I have used this semester.


  • Presentation Slides

Another feature I use often is the Presentation slide templates. I like to create slides for my courses that I post for students and also use in my recorded video lectures. Canva has an amazing selection of Presentation templates (under the Business Templates section) that can be customized for your courses. You can see some sample templates HERE.

Canva for Education

Another great feature that many people aren't aware of is Canva for Education. Canva for Education is a repository of great resources for educators. While Canva for Education is geared toward K-12 educators, there is also lots of information and templates there that are great for any level of education.

If you're already using Canva, let us know in The Online Educator Facebook Group how you use it using the link below.


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