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Ed Tech Tuesday: Google Jamboard

Sep 28, 2021

Google Jamboard is an Ed Tech tool that is very fun and versatile. While I've never used it in my own online courses, there are some features that I think can really enhance an online course. In today's blog post, I'll share some of those details.

Google Jamboard is  is a digital whiteboard that allows for remote or in-person collaboration on a shared space. While this can be a powerful tool for synchronous learning, there are also some great possibilities for asynchronous online learning. Here are a few:

  • Team Collaboration: When I assign group projects, I love to add a collaboration resource to make it easier for students to be able to interactively  update information and documents. In the past I have use Wiki's and Google slides, but the idea of Jamboard is also a possibility. Here is a link to some fun Google Jamboard templates to share some ideas on how you can use Google Jamboard to help students collaborate with each other.
  •  Interactive Assignments: One feature that I think is pretty exciting is the fun, interactive nature of Jamboard. For instance, you can create drag and drop type activities, have students fill in different sections of the document, and even create worksheets for students to complete.
  • Create a recorded lecture: Another great use of Jamboard is to create a recorded lecture. You can use a tool like screencast-o-matic or Zoom to record yourself giving a lecture and using the whiteboard feature in Jamboard. This is ideal for courses that have a lot of calculations and graphs or tables that may not translate well in other tools. 

Here is a link to some more ideas on how to use Google Jamboard. These are some really creative and innovative ideas. I'd love to hear if you have any additional ideas 

I'd love to hear your ideas on how you might be able to use this tool in your own online course. Share them in The Online Educator Facebook Group! 

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