Ice-Breaker Tuesday: What Animal Are You?
Sep 03, 2024
Unfortunately, I am not what many would call an animal person. This mainly stems from my allergies to pet dander, my fear of anything with wings and my inexperience with animals in general. However, I'm definitely not averse to animals. In fact, I think we can learn alot about others by the animals they align with. For instance, although I'm terribly allergic to cats, if I had to pick an animal I align with, it would be a cat. I like their independent nature and how they make you earn their affection (on their own terms). I actually had a pet cat for a couple years before I realized I was terribly allergic to him. Luckily, my sister, who is DEFINITELY an animal person, was able to adopt him. Many people can relate to animals and pets which was the inspiration behind today's blog post. Learn more in today's blog post entitled Ice-Breaker Tuesday: What Animal Are You?.
Creating connections in an online classroom can feel like a daunting task, especially in fields as personal and interactive as nursing. However, it's crucial to help students feel comfortable and engaged as they embark on their learning journey. One creative way to break the ice and foster a sense of community is through the "What Animal Are You?" activity. This fun and insightful ice-breaker allows students to explore their personalities in a unique way and share a bit about themselves with their peers.
As nurse educators, we understand the importance of building rapport and trust, not only between students and instructors but also among the students themselves. These connections are vital as they pave the way for a supportive and collaborative learning environment. The "What Animal Are You?" ice-breaker is designed to help students reflect on their personal traits and how they relate to the qualities of different animals, sparking conversations and connections that go beyond the surface level.
By encouraging students to identify with an animal that represents their personality or behavior, we open up a space for sharing and empathy. Whether it's the strength of a lion, the playfulness of a dolphin, or the wisdom of an owl, each animal choice reveals something unique about the individual. This activity not only makes introductions fun but also helps students appreciate the diverse strengths and qualities within their group.
I'd love to hear your ideas on this ice-breaker and even your thoughts on what your animal would be. Share them in The Online Educator Facebook Group!
Would you like me to spotlight one of your ice-breakers? Share your assignment HERE for an opportunity to be spotlighted in The Online Educator Blog.
Happy Ice-Breaking!
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